A town in mourning

The death of Her Majesty is deeply felt across the commonwealth, but is particularly keenly felt here in Royal Windsor, the town she called home for so much of her long life.

From the moment of the sad announcement yesterday, a trickle of locals made their way to the castle. The Cambridge gate at the top of the Long Walk had soon been made home to a small collection of floral tributes. As the hours passed they were joined by more flowers and by sunset a sizeable collection could be seen. This was as nothing to what came the following morning. Locals and visitors from near and far came to the town carrying armfuls of flowers, their private tributes to a public figure the whole world admired. Park Street and the Long Walk itself began to resemble pilgrimage routes. People walking, largely in silence or speaking in hushed tones, up toward the gates. There, they added to the ever growing carpet of flowers which expressed a nation’s grief far more than words ever could. Amongst the flowers were personal mementos and small toys, many with messages written by children alongside their parent’s words.

Judging from the tributes alone, Elizabeth was clearly loved here in Windsor and will be greatly missed.

Thank you Ma’am, for everything.



